

反渗透是一个你可能经常听到的流行词. Water companies print it on their bottled water labels, and you may have friends with a 反渗透水过滤器 在他们家里. 但如果你没有自己的, you may not know that it makes your water taste delicious and has potential health benefits too. 反渗透是水过滤的黄金标准. The advanced process delivers perfect water straight to your tap and changes the entire drinking water ballgame. The ultimate objective of reverse osmosis is to bring you the cleanest water possible. 它可以过滤掉几乎所有你不希望出现在水中的元素, from 矿物质 to bacteria and microorganisms to pollutants and chemical compounds. After reverse osmosis, your water will be safe, healthy to drink and taste great. 它究竟是如何做到这一切的呢? What is the secret behind how reverse osmosis works and why water experts hold it in such high regard? 一旦你知道了对你和你家人的潜在好处, 你可能会发现自己在买 家庭用水过滤系统 给你的家人.


要了解反渗透,首先要了解渗透. 假设你有两个水体, 一杯盐水,一杯淡水, 用一层膜把它们分开. 自然, the fresh water will flow through the membrane to mix with the salt water because it is less dense and can flow easier. The water will continue to flow in this direction until the water on both sides of the membrane are the same. 平衡一切才是游戏的核心. 当水向相反方向流动时,就会发生反渗透. 扭转这一过程需要一点外部帮助. 为了逆转自然过程, 压力被施加到更浓的水上, 迫使水分子穿过膜. 结果是, the membrane strips out extremely tiny particles of unwanted compounds and contaminants in the water, 超过任何传统过滤器的能力.


当反渗透用于家庭或商业环境时, the science of reverse osmosis is applied to the water supply as a whole. 压力迫使水通过膜, stripping unwanted elements from the water molecules so they can permeate the membrane. When unwanted 矿物质 and chemicals are stripped from drinking water, it tastes fresh and delicious. 在家庭系统中, the process of reverse osmosis takes multiple steps and multiple filters to ensure an excellent final result.
  • 泥沙过滤. The first step is to strain out any unwanted particles from the water supply. 沉淀物过滤器的目的是通过去除污垢来净化水, 沉积物, 沙子, 或者在进入更专门的过滤器之前生锈.
  • 活性炭过滤器. The carbon filter’s job is to remove any chemical compounds from the water. Activated carbon filters out anything larger than a speck and uses bonding ions to prevent chemical compounds from traveling through. It will tackle removing 氯 or other contaminants before the water reaches the reverse osmosis filter. 有些系统使用两个碳过滤器,重复这一步骤.
  • 反渗透过滤器. 一旦过滤器除去较大的颗粒来净化水, 它通过反渗透膜. 压力迫使水通过膜 that removes any molecule heavier than water. 铅等元素和化合物, 钠, 氯, 矿物质, 氟化物不能穿过细胞膜. 最后,只剩下纯净水.
  • 贮槽. Many systems use a holding tank to store water that has gone through reverse osmosis. 水会继续积聚,直到储水箱满为止. 你随时都可以得到干净的水.
  • 碳过滤器(抛光过滤器). Your water will journey through one final filter to “polish” it up before you drink it. This final step ensures that there is no possibility of chemicals or 矿物质 left behind in your water. 最后一步确保99.水中9%的粒子都消失了. Water that goes through reverse osmosis is clean, safe, and tastes perfectly fresh.
反渗透远远超过任何过滤器对水的作用. 通过去除微量颗粒, people can feel confident that the water they consume is safe for their entire family.


Geographic regions that are prone to hard water benefit significantly from reverse osmosis technology. People who live in areas like central Texas or the Northern Midwest are all too familiar with the horrors of hard water. These areas of extreme hard water make it very difficult to cut through the unpleasant taste and smell that hard water can have. Whole house 软水器s and filters work wonders for a multitude of purposes, 但并不总能保证饮用水的味道新鲜. If your goal is to have the absolute best drinking water for you and your family, a home 反渗透系统 是你最好的选择吗?. 你不仅会喝更多的水, but it is guaranteed to be safe after undesirable chemicals and compounds are stripped out. A professional water company can come to your home and have a water expert install a 反渗透系统 to clean up your drinking water in a matter of hours. 这些好处将在未来几年影响你的家庭, 这将是一项让你感到高兴的投资.
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